OmniCrib / OptiShield
OmniCrib - Powered by Opticrib
What is OmniCrib (Powered by Opticrib)?
A fully automated storeroom that delivers accurate inventory counts, consumer accountability, and detailed cost accounting.
There is no need for an attendant.
The system combines computer vision, a cardkey entry enclosure, a sophisticated inventory management program, various sensors, and machine learning.
Why Use OmniCrib (Powered by Opticrib)?
- Reduced labor in warehousing, procurement, and user wait time
- Accurate 24/7 inventory control & automated replenishment process
- Attendant-free paperless shopping system dramatically improves social distancing efforts
- Holds employees and departments accountable for their expenses, reducing consumption
Case Study: Reduced Wait Times
- 80 tradesmen queue up for safety gear each 12-hour shift
- Average cycle time with trailer
- attendant is 60 seconds per man
- Average cycle time with OmniCrib self-serve process is 20 seconds
- Work effort savings of 53 hours
- Reduce cost of labor

OmniCrib Shopping Process Review: Fast. Easy. Accurate
- Session Start – access is granted through secure process, whether a badge reader, smart phone app with QOR code, or facial recognition
- Product Look-up – products can be located through use of the touchscreen tablet
- Activity Tracking – upon entry, sophisticated cameras monitor all activities, correlating shopping activity through deep learning models
- Dynamic Cart – activity tracking plus A.I.-based product recognition, 3D location monitoring, and other sensors determine whether to add/subtract from the virtual shopping basket
- Checkout – employee confirms GL codes on table

OmniShield - Powered by Opticalshield
Secure your Possessions
Give your customers peace of mind while securing your reputation and brand.
- Tamper Alerts
- Out of Limit Temperature Indicator
- Loss Prevention & Recovery Means
- Moisture & Tear resistant
- Chain of Custody Tracking
- Brand Protection
- Customer Loyalty
- Validation of Authentic Package
- Potential Insurance Savings
- Impede Counterfeits

Industrial Products
(Temperature-sensitive, Shelf Life)

Luxury Items
(Gems, Watches, Shoes,
Perfumes, Purses, etc.)

Fine Arts / Artifacts, Heirlooms / Collectibles

Pharma and Medical Products

Legal Documents, Evidence, Chain of Custody

HazMat Management: Medical, Chemicals, Human/Animal Remains

Educational, Tests and Official Documents

Manufacturing, Transportation, Inventory Management

Jewelry, Precious Metals